lagos dudes 3

Bisola came to our room one late Sunday; it was a surprise, something no one was expecting. Her kid sister was ‘Uche’s friend now, she even bought a phone for him.
“You have been avoiding me for several weeks since we came here, why are you here? I asked, faking a frown. After our first encounter at the store, she has been avoiding me; she was always in her mum’s office.
“I am not avoiding you” she snapped. “I don’t know you to start with” she concluded.
“Whatever, how may I help you?
She sigh “The other day you were quoting something from physics, am not a fan of physics but its compulsory I pass it”
“Can we study together? She asked. She was pleading with her eye.
“Am just a commoner, what makes you think we can study together?
“Uche told me”
“I go kill dat boy” It seems Uche is now part of the family
“How much? She asked, getting impatient
I laughed “Do you think you can buy me with money?
“I know you lost your parents before they could teach you manners of approach to a lady” she said angrily.
“Get out of my room!” I felt like slapping her.
“For a poor boy, you are proud”
I smiled…………..
Uche seems to be taking their side. Mohammed wanted to say something; he hesitated and kept reading the new economics textbook he bought. Reading seems to be the only think that kept us busy at night; we all decide against television.
“You dey mad, you con pursue am because she abused u” Uche concluded with a frown
“Watch and learn” he replied him with a smile
“You think some bitch can abuse me about my parent and make me sad?
The question was rhetorical; I vowed not to remember my parents until am successful
“This bastard is going to kill us someday” Mohammed muttered.
“It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument “I said, quoting William McAdoo
“You are nuts! “
“Like I said earlier, watch and learn” I smiled and laid down my head to sleep.
“Are you not going to read?” Mohammed asked
“Am not in the mood” I replied
“Yemisi, can you come to our house next week?
It was a Monday evening, she has been working all day, but the air conditioner makes her more beautiful, my heart was beating faster;  I was tempted to invite over.
“U wan make oga kill me abi” she replied.
“If you think am gonna beg you, OYO lowa” I turned my back on her.
I knew she was happy when I invited her over, she was trying to use girls trick on me.
“Its not that I don’t want to come na, so ti binu ni? She called out to me
I smiled “Yes, come this Saturday”
“I will try”
“I was told you are very good at physics” she stated
We were on our way home from work, my boss was driving and bisola was sitting down in the front sit; I was at the back. I choose to ignore her, my meeting with Yemisi that day seems to be the only thing I cared about.
“Tunde” she called out to me, I replied immediately with a “ma”, sensing her irritation
“Starting from tomorrow, you will study with her” she ordered
“I will increase your salary with 5000naira.” She concluded
It was an offer I couldn’t resist, although it was not part of the plan……
“Please wait” she called out to me
“Look, am very sorry for what I said the other day, I hope we can be friends” she extended her hands towards me. I looked at her and smiled.
“I will bring malt for you every time” she concluded
It seems Uchenna had told her my weak point, we shake hands ………………….
The first three days of our study together was wonderful, she came with three malts the first time, I never knew I was brilliant until I start eating good food with cold beverages; physics seems to be a child play with her textbook. The Okeke physics textbook the corps member bought for me when I was in SS1 was lower in standard compare to the textbook she was using.
Things change on Friday, we had been studying together all day; my boss stays at home all weekends .
“Let’s rest a little”
“Oh! Am sorry, I have been so selfish towards you” she dropped her pen
“Should I bring malt? She asked
“No” I declined. It was tempting, but I was thinking of the ‘match’ with yemisi that weekend, I made a note of visiting mama ‘jedi’ that evening.
“Can you tell me something about you?”
“Girl of my dream”
“Nothing” I smiled, I didn’t know I was thinking aloud.
“My name is Tunde, born and raised in ipole, a village in Ilesha, Osun State, age 20” I answered her question.
“How did you end up in Lagos?”
“Greener pastures”
“Ok, what’s your education story?”
“I started primary school at the early age of 5 and graduated from secondary school at the age of 18 in Ipole L.A primary school and Community secondary school, Ipole”
She smiled; she wanted to say something but hesitated. She probably thinks I was a village boy. She opened her mouth again. “What about your parents?”
“I know, when?”
 “I was 9 years old at the time, father died at home after drinking palm wine, mum collapse when she heard, she died afterwards”
“It must have been hard” she said, her voice breaking
“Yeah it is” sensing the opportunity, I continued “I had to live with an uncle that doesn’t care about me and my education; I may not eat for a whole day”
“I used to work from dawn to dusk every weekend; both Saturdays and Sundays”
She was crying now “He doesn’t care about my education, I was this brilliant because I was the best student in my school, the teachers, teaching practice student, corps members love me, so they bought textbook”
She was weeping, I cried for joy, when she saw me crying, she hugged me. Thousand things crossed my minds in a second; the smell of her skin, the softness…… I kissed her
It lasted for five seconds; she pushed away and walked out of the room…….
I was whistling when they came; it was dinner time, ‘Uche was carrying a food warmer I presumed contained food, Mohammed has in his hand, a Chivita juice.
“Madman, wetin dey worry you” Uche said, noticing my mood.
I ignored him “Mohammed my guy, how far?”
“I kissed that girl today”
“Oginni! You be bad boy, tell me about it”
“I told you to watch and learn” I smiled briefly, I continued “By the way, Yemisi is coming here tomorrow”
“Who is Yemisi?”
“Watch out” I winced at them and smiled, I could see Mohammed shaking head in behind me.
Bright morning sunshine,
A new dawn,
Arise and shine…………………
My mind was reading a poem when I woke that Saturday, I smiled “today must be a great day” I thought aloud. At the sight of love, everyman became a poet
“Good morning to you too”
I shake my head “Are you dreaming?”
“Am sure your parent taught you manners before they died” Mohammed hissed and walked out of the room. I love Mohammed, although we don’t agree on things.
“We are your seniors, dey greet us small small” Uche said jokingly.
“I don’t have time for any chitchat today, lets clean our room” I answered him with a straight eye. He whistled and walked away.
Tidying the room was fun; I have always run away from it, “is it because I am expecting someone?” I wondered. Although the room was in right order, I decided to make some changes and washed all cloths.
The thoughts of Bisola came to mind, “suppose she comes around”
“She won’t dare!” I replied myself and laughed; girls won’t kill me for my mama o.
After breakfast, I broke the news to my boys;
“Am expecting a visitor by 2pm, please don’t knock or come in until she left”
“Because Y has a long tail u dumbass!”  I was angry; Mohammed was such a pain in the ass.
“Is it because of that girl?” Uche asked, he was anxious to know my answer
“I won’t allow any immoral actions in this room”
“Write a report to your boss” I hissed and took up the broom to sweep again.
“Mohammed, allow am na”
“He is bluffing” I continued with my sweeping
“Watch and learn” Mohammed quoted me in his response
“You need to go and beg him”
“He can’t do that”
“He will, he promised to chase the girl away”
I was angry, “If dem born him papa and mama well, let him try it”
“You will be the loser” Uche pointed out
“And why would you say that?”
“Mohammed has nothing to lose, if he succeed in pursuing the girl, you may lose your only chance”
Uche was right; I decided to play the game in a smart way.
“Mohammed, are you mad? What are planning?” I frowned
Mohammed was sitting by the gate reading the newspaper; he smiled when he had me and continue with his reading.
“wetin dey worry you self?
“That room is like a mosque, I do pray there sometimes” his smile faded, “Don’t spoil our friendship and your life with such reckless behaviour”
“She is a friend”
“Why do you ask us not to enter the room?”
“Because, she is shy”
“She works in our store”
Mohammed was so rigid; I decided to play my last game
“Ok, you guys can come inside and play with her” Mohammed smiled, “We are friends, there is no romantic relationship between us” I continued.
“Thanks” he sighed.
“wetin him talk”
“No worry, I will leave the room himself”
“What are you planning?”
I smiled, “let’s wait and see”
She was wearing a blue jean with a white blouse, the jean accentuate her hips; which was her focal point.
“You look beautiful”
 “Meet my friends”
I introduced her to Mohammed and Uchenna, they both greeted her. Uche gave an excuse and left the room, Mohammed sat down.
“Yemisi, lets pray”
Yemisi was dumbfounded, but she closes her eye for prayer, I murmured a few prayers. We sat sown on the bed and I offered her biscuits and malt.
“Now that we both have time, can I get to know you?
“What did you want to know?
“Everything you which to share” Mohammed was reading now, I smiled.
“My name is Yemisi, I am 21 years old, I am single and not searching”
“I am still seeking admission into a university,”
“Ok” I could see Mohammed at the far end of the room, concentrating on biology textbook; Mohammed hates biology.
“Are you a Christian?”
“Which church do you attend?
“Christ embassy”
“I dislike your church”
“Why?” she questioned
“Because you guys wear trousers to church, you don’t cover you hair when you go to church”
“Your heart is what God wishes to see”
“Go and read Corinthians”
“I know what is there, but you guys are misquoting the Bible”
We argued for several minutes, quoting Bible verses, although the argument was interesting, nut I had other things in mind. Mohammed was not comfortable with our argument.

“Mohammed can you please help me with my bible over there?
“Take” he gave me the Bible and walked out.
“Is this how you argue with your ex?”
“I love arguments”
“You look beautiful when you argue” I was taking the conversation away from Bible stuffs
“Tell me about your secondary school days”
“What did you want to know?” she asked
We had been talking for 30minutes, she had told me about her family, friends and ex. But that was not the thing on my mind…..
“The boys” I replied
“What about them?”
“You are very endowed, both front and back, am sure they must have disturb you one way or another”
She smiled, “You can’t tell me they don’t try to play with your body” I continued.
“Is that how you used to do when you are in secondary school” she asked the question I was waiting for.
 “Yes” I answered
“We had certain rules, if you beat me by the chest or anywhere, I will reciprocate” I continued.
“Whao!” she exclaimed.
“If you touch me now, I won’t hesitate to touch you back” I said, smiling and waiting.
“Are you kidding? We are not kids anymore”
“Try it” I replied in anticipation and she did………………………………
Our sex was great, her moves and styles shows her expertise in the act, it was a wonderful time, the moment I broke Lagos jinx. Three months was enough!
“You are very good” she commended me
“Na, you made it easier” I replied, kissing her again.
 Suddenly our door opened, I raised my head to see the intruder…”oh shit!”


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