Lagos dudes;S2E3

It was a bright morning, the sun was shining and the birds hummed on a tree in the compound. Two boys laid on their bed and stared at the ceilings, expecting the daily bread to be provided by the queen of the manor. They heard a knock, after opening the door, the queen stepped in breathing hard from running ; "Casala don bust ooo" she was trying to talk and catch her breath at the same time. Alarmed, one of the boys quickly locked the door "Wetin happen" Tunde asked christianah "One of you boys don fuck up ooo" she started to talk, Uche interrupted her "talk fast" "One of the girls don get belle" It was an alarming news, but one of the boys breath a sign of relieve "Alaaye no kill person jo" Tunde brought out is phone to make a call while he talked "Aboki, no come our side today o, war dey for ground" he warned Mohammed after greeting him on phone and dropped the call before the man on the other side could ask why. "Wetin be the gal name self" Tunde asked "i hear say na Justina " Tunde stared at his friend Uche and cursed him; "oloribuu omo, see wetin you cause" "I told you to stay away from her toto after the first sampling, you turned yourself to mario" Tunde hissed and looked outside the window "Walahi, i dey use condom when i mama am na" Uche tried to explain himself.. While they were discussed, five hungry looking people bust through the gate of the Christ cross celestial Inc, they looked around hoping to catch a glimpse of Prophet Joshua, but the prophet was not around.... "Uchenna Uche!!!" They heard sounds outside their door, "Open this door now or we use sanponna to break it" "Say wetin happen" Uche responded while Tunde opened the door and raised his voice; "What is the meaning of this, why are you guys disrupting the peace of this sanctuary?" "Kode ni dafun e, abi iya e yawere ni?" a guy cursed from the group "Imagine dis were dey speak grammar for here oo" he continued "Kode ni dafun e" he concluded. "God morin madam, please can we help you? Christianh greeted the mother of the presumed victim. "E go better for you my daughter, you no be like all these useless proud teashers" "Abeg, call Uchenna for me" the woman faced Tunde, Uche came out of the house " Madam, na me be this" "Chimo, na dis boy impregnate you" the woman asked her daughter.. "Yes" A guy from the guy brought out a club and tried to attack Uche, he was blocked by a old man from the group. "Since you have put my daughter in a family way, you must marry her" "Bico! Unbannu, na me be the only guy wey they fuck your daughter? Uche was furious.... "What is the meaning of all these?????" The prophet barked, The group became solemn; most of them were member of the church in time of problem. "Thank God you are here sir" " Na one of your boys impregnate my daughter oo" The prophet laughed; " i don't have anybody by the name of Wale in my house" They crowed looked around and back to the prophet, "E sir, na Uche we dey talk na" someone from the crowd spoke with anger "Do you think am deaf, ask your daughter who wale is" The crowd face the girl now, all in anticipation... "Who is wale?" The lady denied the accusation made against her by the prophet, she stood on her ground; the prophet moved closer and slapped her "Where we you yesternight?" Asked the prophet "i dey my papa house na" replied the lady The prophet shakes his head and face her mother "Madam, did you send your daughter to buy akpu yesterday evening? " i sent her to buy akpu around 7 yesternight" The Prophet faced the girl and ordered her " Wetin you dey do beside transformer yesterday? " i will slap you if you lie" The girl lip moved, but before she could say something, christianah who was standing next to Tunde made a yelp sound and fell.....


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