Life as we know it, live as you believe it. Life, according to dictionary is the sate that follows birth and precedes death: the state of being alive and living. Life starts from the fusion of the male and female gametes. Human are created in a tender environment, inside women womb. They form a niche which they thrive and establish themselves. You wonder if there is a football field when they kick. The shows the state of comfort in which they are formed, they tend to repel any discomfort.
On arriving to the planet earth, an environment of different identities and discomfort, the life changes and at that point, it began.
Norm is an expectation in which the society expect each life to conform to; a rule which is regarded as normal. Deviation from these sets of regulations turned a life to an outcast even among his brethren.
The founder of Islam; Mohammed was a man, who was brought up in a world where human lives are sacrificed to unknown gods, a land where the Jewish were proud and self-righteous. He introduced a new religion which does not involve sacrificing human to abuse his god and preach equality among his brethren. A thousand years had pass and the religion still lives on.  He became a deviant among his brethren when the religion was formed, he went on exile. For a man of his own, he lived the life he chose.
We live in the world where regulations were and are norm which are expected to be conform to. Before the birth of religions, in us were natural laws which are imbibed in our spirit. A conscience was created alongside to remind humans and animals alike of the natural laws that are instill in them. It is believed that once the self-conscience stop reminding a person deviating from these natural laws, that soul is no longer of this earth.
Humans are created differently; different race, background and life journey. Should a principle guide people born of different minds? Michael Jackson was born black, yet he lived the rest of his life as a white man. We were created with different minds, we have the same natural laws imbibe in us and we have rules from the religions to live by. But are we living the way we want?
Many dreams and aspirations were cut short, many ideas lies in the burial grounds of this world. These dreams never came to pass because of what was expected of us. Many became slaves to their purpose in life because they chose to live by the world’s identity.
If life is for the living, then we had better live the way we believe life is. Life as we know it, live as you view it. Nevertheless, the moral values and natural laws must live on in us.


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