Journal of a marooned sailor 3

By the gods, today i was going to make a martyr of myself and leave this island of hunger to the one beyond. The necessities; food and water had vanished to the insatiable bowels and a loaded gun was the remaining loyal subject. Say, i should journey to hades by self inflicted fire, destroy the ants and non- living remnats around my new niche - my reward could be 16 virgins in the heaven of the gods.
Flock of birds flew above, their mockery embedded in their hums. They were watching and waiting for thw dying man last earthly choice. They were selfish- they could help, fly into the forest and bring foods, but they waited. My death will serve a purpose.
On my fathers name, i shall not give in to their mockery nor die for their purpose. My choice will be made in solitude and not with their mocking lullaby .
I picked a stone to chase them from my sight. The gods gave a sign, two birds fell. They made agonizing sounds which formed a word to my ears; HOPE


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