Corona thoughts

I do not know what to write........But i will try, take this as a journal. (not going to edit)

For the past few months, the world has been in a panic mode; fear of death and exposure of our innate xenophobic mode. Over time, we have locked it in us, a stereotype of a particular group -our assumptions of behavior, attitude, life of a group of people or individual, not trusting their views or neutral to their plights. This does begs the question, Who am I?
This is not a Jackie Chan movie, bear with me.
The past few days, I have been in self-isolation, watching TV shows, keeping up with the news and reflecting on who I am, the people around me and they ones i have lost. Yes, I have lost friends and I blew it. 
Friendship is a process, like a baby learning how to walk, trusting his/her feet to withstand the weight... through crawling and then walking. I have had friends and i try daily to make new ones, but anytime I checked who to talk, i only have four. Keeping a close circle is great, but how do i lose the old ones? distance, age, attitude, their assumptions... Oh, I lost a would be friend because I assumed, ironic huh? Moving around has turned me into a transient, thereby reducing the number of people in my life and with age, i seems to live intentionally as i grow. When people assume a thing about me, I do not correct them, thereby widening the distance between our connections.

I should be writing more, but then I am just a marooned sailor on a small island. 

Death roams around,
nature with no cure,
death to the old, 
panic to the world,

like a mirror ,
shining a reflection on us,
Who we are,


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