************************** “Are you dating him?” Busola questioned her sister with anger; I expected her to be sober when she caught us. Was it part of her plan? I wondered. I took my leave immediately. “Shameless coward” she called after me. Busola pulled my hand and whispered “Am sorry” “Ok” I replied. We left the room together. “Where is Mohammed?” “He is having his sacred bath” Uche replied “Did he do it” I asked with eagerness “Yes, but he almost fucked up” “At least he did, that’s what matters” I shut him up. Mohammed came into the room looking refreshed and pale. “My guy” I praised him “Am not your guy “Wetin happen” “What I did was bad, I shouldn’t have listen to you” “At least you did and you now know that the girl is not a virgin as she claimed” “So?” “Keep living in denial” “But e sweet you abi? I asked him with a sarcastic voice. “Fuck off” “Am going to mosque” he said and walked out of the room. *********************************************************************************** “bisola can I have a few words with you” “Shoot” It was on Saturday, I have been looking for every means to talk with her; I miss the malt and I can’t seem to forget the kiss. “Am very sorry for what happened between yemisi and I, it was………………” she stopped me “Lets see, you tell her about your parent, she cried and blah blah” “No!” “Look, I don’t have time” “I love you, all I did with your sister was just to spite you, to make you open your eye and see my true feelings “ “I know I have been a very bad boy, but the your spot in my heart can never be filled” I concluded and try to walk away. “Tunde” she called out “Yes” I turned towards her “Are you sure of what you just said?” “Yes, please let’s start over” “As friends or lovers?” she asked “As lovers” I replied her, wondering if we were lovers before. ************************************************************************************* Monday morning came with freshness; the store seems to have many customers. Yemisi kept her distance and my new girlfriend smiled and blow a kiss at me every chance she got. I was making a round when I saw the ghost; it was ‘corper debby’, she was chatting with a customer beside her. I walked up to her “Corper debby!” I called on her. She turned back, she saw me “Tunde!” she gave me a hug. Memories of those moments came flooding back. Thousands of thoughts crossed my mind at the time. Silently, I thanked God for giving me that opportunity. She pulled away and grabbed me by my hand “Meet my husband”……………………. ************************************************************************************* …………..“Tunde was one of my students during my youth service year” I heard her faintly. “Oh! Bro how are you? “Am fine” I said and walked away. “I must be going crazy” I said to myself. The ‘corper’ used me for her pleasure during her service year, I shouldn’t dwell on it. I turned back. “Am very sorry sir” “My name is Tunde, I was a student of your fiancée” I shake is hand “What was that earlier? “Maybe he was too excited to see you” her fiancé helped me out with an excuse. She asked about the village and how I get to Lagos, I gave her the answer that doesn’t require another question. She gave me a sum of 2000naira when she left. ************************************************************************************* On that Monday evening, Busola came to me again; this time it was in my room. We chatted for minutes and I launched her into the game of romance. She was a virgin; the game couldn’t proceed to the next level. “I am dating you sister” I broke the news to her “I know, but I can’t leave you” “Do you want me to date two sisters?” “Please leave her for me; I will give you all you want” “You can’t” I cut her short. “I will give you sex, money, time and all of me” “Be careful of what you wish for” I warned her. “Let’s wait and see” ************************************************************************************* The week went well; I was getting money from both sides and having a quality time with Bisola. My room mates were also enjoying it; Mohammed seems to accept his condition and roll with Uche and me. We were paid on Thursday, we opened bank accounts and saved the money for future purpose; the future that seems to be near. *


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